Recipes and cooking commentary with a touch of humor.

Welcome to lizzycooks!

I love to cook. I collect recipes and cookbooks, enjoy food photography, and adore trying new restaurants. All of this food love inspired me to start this blog where I share my favorite recipes, cooking tips, and other fun stuff. Enjoy your food!

Radish, Parsley & Lemon-Butter Tea Sandwiches

Royal watchers predict a menu of small bites at Westminster Abbey tomorrow for Will and Kate's big day! Make a cup of tea and munch on these little sammies while you watch the wedding.

4 tbsp unsalted butter, softened
1/2 tsp finely grated lemon zest
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
7 slices of sandwich bread, crusts removed
1/2 cup flat-leaf parsley  
6 ounces red radishes, thinly sliced

In a small bowl, blend softened butter with lemon zest and juice. Season with salt.
Spread the bread slices with the lemon butter. Using a 1 1/2-inch round biscuit cutter, cut 16 rounds from 4 slices. Cut the remaining slices into 2 1/2-by-1-inch rectangles. Top with the parsley leaves and radish slices. Serve at once, or cover the sandwiches with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for up to 2 hours. 

Photo and recipe from