Recipes and cooking commentary with a touch of humor.

Welcome to lizzycooks!

I love to cook. I collect recipes and cookbooks, enjoy food photography, and adore trying new restaurants. All of this food love inspired me to start this blog where I share my favorite recipes, cooking tips, and other fun stuff. Enjoy your food!

Dad's Green Onion Risotto

This is the risotto recipe that goes with the Shrimp Paulista recipe I just posted. By the way, if you have never had risotto, try it! It takes a bit of patience, but it warms the soul and you won't regret making it. So good.

4-6 cups broth
2 tablespoons butter
1 bunch green onions, white parts finely chopped, green parts thinly sliced
1 cup Arborio rice
½ cup dry white wine
¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons ricotta cheese
1 teaspoon orange zest

Bring the broth to a low simmer in a medium saucepan. In a separate pan, sauté the onions in the butter until softened. Add the rice and coat with the butter. Add the wine and cook until it is absorbed by the rice. Begin adding the broth, one cup at a time, until it is absorbed and the rice is softened (about 20-25 minutes). Remove from heat and add the cheeses and the orange zest.

Place in large bowls and top with Shrimp Paulista.