Recipes and cooking commentary with a touch of humor.

Welcome to lizzycooks!

I love to cook. I collect recipes and cookbooks, enjoy food photography, and adore trying new restaurants. All of this food love inspired me to start this blog where I share my favorite recipes, cooking tips, and other fun stuff. Enjoy your food!

Mediterranean Tacos

A quick and easy dinner and no need for the oven or stove (yes, it is still very hot here in DC).

Pita bread (I like the large round pieces they sell in a package of 10 or so at Costco--what I call real pita bread)
Feta cheese
Sesame Oil

Spread your favorite hummus (I recently discovered lemon hummus at my local grocery store--it's really good!) on top of a piece of pita bread. Crumble some feta over the top and sprinkle a few drops of sesame oil on top. Zap in the microwave for ~ 20 seconds. Fold in half so it looks like a taco.

Chop up your favorite veggies to put on top. I like banana peppers or tomato.