Recipes and cooking commentary with a touch of humor.

Welcome to lizzycooks!

I love to cook. I collect recipes and cookbooks, enjoy food photography, and adore trying new restaurants. All of this food love inspired me to start this blog where I share my favorite recipes, cooking tips, and other fun stuff. Enjoy your food!

Pot Stickers

Pot stickers are fun to make at home. I had a friend in college (a foodie before her time) who carried a wok in her car trunk. One day, she came over and we made bunches of eggrolls and almost hurt ourselves with the hot mustard we mixed from scratch.

Pot stickers are a similar concept. When I made these, I doubled the recipe below (so that I could freeze a batch) and it made 51 pot stickers. So even if you don't double this recipe, I think you will need more than 12 wrappers.

6 ounces ground pork
1/4 cup diced white onion
2 tablespoons minced ginger
1 tablespoon minced garlic
4 tablespoons diced green onion
1 teaspoon light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
Pinch salt and pepper
12 (get a package) wonton or pot sticker wrappers
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon oil

Dipping Sauce: I use a bit of sesame oil, and probably equal parts of rice wine vinegar and light soy sauce for the pot sticker dipping sauce.

In a medium bowl, add the pork, onions, ginger, garlic, green onions, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt and pepper. Mix together until thoroughly combined.

In a medium stock pot, boil 2 quarts of water.

Place 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the middle of a wrapper. Brush the edges of the wrapper with the egg and fold in half. Repeat with the remaining wrappers.

Place wrappers in boiling water for 1 minute, remove, and cool individually on cooling rack.

When ready, heat a saute pan with 1 teaspoon oil, and saute on medium-high heat until the skin of the wrapper is browned.

This recipe came from Guy F. on the Food Network, was modified by Darbar, and then modified by me.